About the Prizes

Since 1986, the Louis-Jeantet Foundation’s Prizes are awarded each year to experienced researchers who have distinguished themselves in the field of biomedical research in one of the member states of the Council of Europe. Sixteen winners of the Louis-Jeantet Foundation’s Prizes have subsequently been distinguished by the Nobel Prizes in physiology or medicine, or in chemistry.

The sum currently available to each prize-winner amounts to CHF 500,000, of which CHF 450,000 are to be used for financing ongoing research and CHF 50,000 are given to the researcher personally. Since 1986, the Foundation has awarded more than CHF 65 million to the 105 Prize winners for the continuation of their research.

Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine 
For a fundamental discovery in biomedical research.

Collen-Jeantet Prize for Translational Medicine
For a major advance, close to practical applications for combating illnesses affecting humankind.

The Scientific Committee of the Louis-Jeantet Foundation is responsible for deciding the Prize Winners.
