The members of the Board of Trustees

Executive team

Member & Secretary of
the Scientific Committee

Doctor Bertrand KIEFER

Ex officio members

  • Two representatives of Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie, private bankers, Geneva
    Mr Jean-Pascal PORCHEROT
    Mr Antoine de RHAM
  • The State Councillor in charge of the Department of Health and Mobility of the Republic and State of Geneva
    Mr Pierre MAUDET
  • The representative of the President of the Court of Justice of the Republic and State of Geneva
    Mr Jean-Marc STRUBIN
  • The representative of the Chairman of the Swiss Bankers Association
    Mrs Elisabeth BOURQUI
  • The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva
    Professor Antoine GEISSBUHLER
  • The Secretary of the Scientific Committee, representing this body on the Board of Trustees
    Professor Gisou VAN DER GOOT
    Vice-President, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Coopted members

Three recognised figures from the world of medicine and science, representing the Board of Trustees on the Scientific Committee

  • Professor Geneviève ALMOUZNI
    Director of Institut Curie Research Centre
  • Professor Marc DONATH
    Research group leader of the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Basel
  • Professor Michael N. HALL
    Professor, Biozentrum, Division of Biochemistry, Basel University Hospital; Winner of the 2009 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine

Four personalities freely selected by the Board

  • Mr Chris BUYSE
    Director of the Désiré Collen Foundation and Managing Director of Fund+
  • Professor Denis DUBOULE
    Professor at the School of Life Sciences, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and at the Collège de France, Paris. Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva.
  • Doctor Bertrand KIEFER
    Editor-in-chief Revue Médicale Suisse, Director of the Editorial Group Médecine et Hygiène
  • Professor Dominique SOLDATI-FAVRE
    Department of microbiology and molecular medicine, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva