The 2020 Louis-Jeantet Prize Winners

The 2020 Louis-Jeantet Prizes are awarded to ERIN SCHUMAN, director of the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt, Germany, and jointly to GRAZIELLA PELLEGRINI and MICHELE DE LUCA, from the Centre for Regenerative Medicine “Stefano Ferrari” in Modena, Italy.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony is postponed.

Graziella Pellegrini and Michele De Luca, of Italian nationality, will share the 2020 Jeantet-Collen Prize for Translational Medicine for the development of epithelial stem cell-based regenerative therapy in patients with severe eye and skin disease.

Graziella Pellegrini and Michele De Luca, of Italian nationality, will share the 2020 Jeantet-Collen Prize for Translational Medicine for the development of epithelial stem cell-based regenerative therapy in patients with severe eye and skin disease.

Erin Schuman, of American nationality, is awarded the 2020 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine for her work on the requirement for local protein synthesis in synaptic plasticity.