Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the supreme body of the Foundation. It ensures that the Foundation’s goals are achieved and is committed to following the best practice in the philanthropic sector, based on the recommendations of the Swiss Foundation Code.


Secretary delegate of the scientific committee

Member of the Bureau

Former presidents of the Board of Trustees
Mr. Yves Oltramare :
October 1983 – September 1993
founding father and honorary president
Mr. Jean Zwahlen:
October 1993 – October 1999
Professor Bernard Fulpius:
October 1999 – December 2005
Mr. Jacques Rossier:
January 2006 – December 2008
February 2010 – December 2010
Mr. Charles Kleiber:
January 2009 – January 2010
Professor Jean-Louis Carpentier:
January 2011 – December 2018
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee of the Foundation is made up of leading personalities. These experts guarantee the scientific excellence of the projects which the Foundation finances.
Each year, the Scientific Committee acts as the jury to select the laureates of the Prizes of the Louis-Jeantet Foundation.



Secretary delegate

Permanent Secretariat
The Permanent Secretariat keeps the Foundation running. The team is in charge, among other things, of relations with the different Foundation’s bodies; of the implementation of their directives; and of maintaining contacts with researchers and third parties. It is also responsible for organising the Foundation’s events and award ceremonies.

Finance Commission
The Finance Commission is appointed by the Board of Trustees to assist them in managing the Foundation’s assets and to advise them on investment matters.